Tuesday, February 22, 2011

complainer everyday

Today, I'm not necessarily talking about fashion.  I'm going to take a break, maybe give you guys a break?

This past week I've been dealing with an issue regarding my dang crackberry that I do love dearly, but sometimes seems to give me more trouble than it's worth.  As I was texting one of the roommates discussing this issue, among others, I looked back over my texts and realized what a complainer I was.  I generally like to think of my self as a positive person, and although I know everyone has their off days when all your energy is simply going into getting up in the morning, I still have to make myself remember those that are not nearly as lucky or blessed as I am. 
Even though my crackberry gets little glitches or service problems, I have one.  Even though my computer's sound has a mind of it's own, at least I have a computer with personality.  I have a mom who loves to talk to me so much I can't always get her off the phone, a dad who trusts me enough to stand up to those verizon people, a sister who loves me even after I tell her bluntly not to wear "hooker shoes", and a brother who texts me back in french because I tell him I'm bad at it (D'abord, c'est dificile.  Ensuite elle devien plus bonne. Which I thought meant something totally different until I put it in Google Translator.)  I have the best friends who make cake pops and cinnamon cookies, amazing dresses and beautiful hairstyles, call me from six hours away to talk about silly stories that I can't even tell very well. 
Just remembering these things shows that I have everything that I need in my life.  Let's face it, I have nothing to complain about.  I'm not a Von trapp family member, climbing the Alps to run from the Nazi Regime who want to take my dad away.  In the snow.  Still singing. (And yes, Taylor, that reference is all for you.)


  1. Yesssss... in spite of the running from Nazi thing,,I still long to be a Von Trapp Sigh!


  2. Your blog is so sweet! I love your header <333

    xx Bonnie


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