So, to make this easier, for you not me, I'm giving you a list of the reason why I do, and why you should want to be just like her too.
#1: She looks hilarious. And she actually is funny. We Americans only got a small taste of her comedy with MTV's It's On With Alexa Chung.
#2: Her menswear inspired outfits that still hint at femininity. I love the oxfords, blazers, neck ties.
#3: She designed a line for Madewell, already one of my favorite stores. Now everything just needs to cost $40, maximum. Or I could just make $1 million a year. Either works for me.
#4: She brings whimsy into her outfits. She's not fifty-something and there fore should not be expected to have seriously boring outfits. Although honestly, she'll probably end up being the Diane Keaton of our generation as far as fashion goes.
#5: She'll be hosting a new show on PBS called Thrift America, and let's face it, everyone should learn how to thrift in America better with this lovely las from across the pond.
This next week, you can count on me wearing every blazer, neck tie, and pair of oxfords that I own. And possibly trying to be more whimsically hilarious. I'll get back to you on how that second one turns out.
she's great!!!
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