Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fashion Show, Fashion Show, Fashion Show at Lunch

Hopefully, anyone who reads this regularly knows that I am now going to Appalachian State University.  I was set up with my new roommates through what I can only imagine is an act of God, considering how ridiculously compatable we are.  If you literally took my roomies, squished them into one person you would end up with me.  Maybe subtract their cooking skills that I obviously lack. 

So, recently I posted a couple pictures of one of my new roommates, Katie. Now I will be introducing Emma, who just so happens to have her own amazing collection. She was just recently asked to show her clothes at the apparel market in Atlanta this week, and in preparation asked for my help with some photos. It was probably the most fun I have had this week, but who doesn't love dressing up in adorable clothes and playing model for a couple hours? Actually I will say I enjoyed the time behind the camera more; still, here are some of my favorite shots we took.
To shop Emma's designs you can go to her website, and I will watch her sew your clothes!

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